After the Mines / Emuva Kwezintaba Zegolide
Jason Larkin with an essay by Mara Kardas-Nelson
isiZulu translation by Thandiwe Kunutu
Fourthwall books, 2013
ISBN 978-0-9870429-3-4
Newspaper format, full colour
32 pages, 375 x 265 mm
In this incisive and wide-ranging photographic project, British photographer Jason Larkin explores the vast waste dumps created by Johannesburg’s gold mining industry. Larkin’s sensitive images of life on and around the city’s incongruous man-made hills shed light on some of the most challenging questions facing South Africa today— the legacy and future of the mines, environmental degradation, service delivery and the housing crisis. An essay by Mara Kardas-Nelson considers the complex debates amongst environmentalists, government entities and communities about the future of the mine dumps.

Role: Book designer, publisher. 
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